Twitter user trends in Japan 2024

Gathering Information from social media
Social media like Twitter is an essential tool for content marketing. According to a report by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan, the percentage of companies and individuals using social media is on the rise. This presents any marketeer with a research opportunity that is representative.
In this article, we discuss Twitter, which has a particularly large number of users in Japan.
Twitter in Japan
Twitter, as I’m sure you know, is a service for posting short sentences; 140 characters in Japanese. This also includes images and videos. By using the “Retweet” function, you can instantly share other posts that you are interested in with your followers. In Japan, where natural disasters are common, it is also used to update people on current events.
Number of active users
The potential audience that can be reached using advertisements is 50.9 million people in Japan.
Active user demographics
Although Twitter is mainly used amongst the younger generation, there is an increasing number of users in their 30s and 40s, and the gap between men and women is getting smaller as the number of female users increases. A unique trait to Twitter users in Japan is that few people use it under their real names. Many accounts are anonymous. As a result of this, tweets tend to show the user’s daily life, interests and concerns, and their true feelings about a product or service. This strengthens the usefulness of marketing initiatives resulting from social listening.
A Twitter example
In Japan, many people have multiple accounts, usually one for private use and one for work. Some of them are influencers with vast numbers of followers and engagements. Then most businesses also have twitter pages. The ones that do well interact with their followers and take advantage of Twitter’s unique connections.
An example of a successful business account is Sharp (image above). Last year they changed their profile image to the above amid calls for the need to refrain from going outside due to COVID-19. They supported social distancing by putting spaces between the characters in the profile which became a hot topic among followers.
Overall, Twitter in Japan is an effective marketing tool for products and services. But as a marketeer, one can also use the platform to understand a wide range of opinions and to connect with customers.